Understanding San Diego Unified’s LCAP Workshop: A Closer Look
Last week, San Diego Unified officials gathered at DePortola Middle School for a workshop on the district’s latest Local Control Accountability Plan, or LCAP. If you’re confused about what an LCAP is, you’re not alone. Let’s break it down together.
Decoding the LCAP:
Over a decade ago, California introduced a new funding formula to provide flexibility and funds to districts with marginalized student populations. This led to the creation of the LCAP, which outlines a district’s goals, strategies, and progress measurement over a three-year period.
While intended to involve parents in the education process, the LCAP has faced criticism for being complex and inaccessible. San Diego Unified, under scrutiny in 2019, vowed to simplify its template for improved transparency.
Key Points in San Diego Unified’s Latest LCAP:
The district’s draft LCAP emphasizes four main goals: social-emotional learning, broad curriculum, graduation, and equity. Each goal addresses state priorities and aims to uplift underserved students.
Social and Emotional Learning: Initiatives include teacher training, social-emotional lessons for students, and alternatives to disciplinary methods. Metrics like absenteeism and behavior incidents will gauge progress.
Broad Curriculum: Strategies include professional learning communities in schools and enhanced support for English language learners. Success will be measured by standardized test scores and attendance rates.
Graduation: The focus is on creating new pathways to graduation and improving student performance. Metrics such as GPA and advanced placement enrollment will monitor progress.
Equity Multiplier: Targeting marginalized students, plans include mentorship programs and a new “Equity Team.” Test scores, attendance rates, and suspension data will determine success.
As we dive deeper into San Diego Unified’s LCAP, it’s essential to stay informed about the district’s ongoing developments.
Recent Updates:
Last week, news surfaced about an internal investigation against Superintendent Lamont Jackson and the district’s efforts to revamp its literacy strategies. While layoffs were rescinded, budget challenges loom ahead for the district.